User Type
Buyer: public sector organisation issuing tender exercise
Supplier: any organisation responding to tender exercise.
Government Type
This is the classification of awarding authority, i.e. councils are listed as Local Authority, hospital and NHS authorities are listed as Health etc. Please choose the correct Government Type for your authority.
Enter a description of your tender exercise into this box. This information will not be made visible to anyone else.
Click on Management Information Section to change status of Contract Record, set Reminder Date and change visibility of this record for other users within your organisation.
Use this area for your own internal reference number, please note you should not enter the Access Code into this box.
This can be changed to your organisations own contract reference.
Please note that you can add and remove documents within this document library throughout the life of your tenderbox, this can be useful for clarification questions.
Please note that you can add and remove documents within this document library throughout the life of your Quick Call, this can be useful for clarification questions.
Enter a product/service which you are searching for. The keywords can be as follows:
'Computer' - suppliers who have entered computer as their product/service will be brought back in the search results.
'Hospital beds' - suppliers who have entered hospital beds as their product will be brought back in the search results.
If you enter more than one keyword, i.e. computer hardware and software, comma-separate computer hardware so that these are searched separately. Please also change the radio-option next to this field to 'OR'.
Verification Code
If you require any assistance entering the verification code, please contact Customer Service by email: or telephone: (+44) 800 923 9236.
Quick Search
Keyword: Please enter a keyword to search for suppliers that are registered in the {0} {1} supplier information database. Comma-seperate words if you are entering more than one keyword, then click on 'Search'. If you would like to find multiple different organisations, please keep the radio-button to 'Any of these'.
Advanced Search
Keyword: Please enter a keyword to search for suppliers that are registered in the {0} {1} supplier information database. Comma-seperate words if you are entering more than one keyword, then click on 'Search'. If you would like to find multiple different organisations, please keep the radio-button to 'Any of these'.
Company Name
Company Name: Please enter a company name or part of a company name into this field. If you would like to find multiple different organisations, please keep the radio-button to 'Any of these'.
Current Collaboration
Please see your account information on the right to confirm which collaboration you are currently in.
Create Collaboration
Use this box to name a new collaboration for your Tender Exercise.
Address: Please enter an address of a company you would like to search for. If you would like to find multiple different organisations, please keep the radio-button to 'Any of these'.
Password Hint
Enter a word or phrase that will help you to remember your password in the event of you forgetting it.
Creating a password
Your password should be longer than or equal to 8 characters and must contain at least 1 lowercase letter, 1 uppercase letter and 1 number.
Industry Sector
Please select the industry sector that best describes what your business does or can provide. For example, if you are a law firm your industry sector would fall under 'Legal Services'. If you cannot locate a suitable Industry Sector, please select 'Other'.
Main Business Activities
Please enter a few keywords of business activities that you can provide either as a service or product to the public sector. For example, if you supply desktop computers, laptops and computer software, you might enter the following comma-separated phrases:
Computer Hardware, Computer Software, Desktop Computers, Personal Computers, Laptops, Hardware, Software etc.
Supplier Information
If you have been invited to tender by a contracting authority that is using London Borough of Barnet Procurement Portal eSourcing as part of their tendering process or have seen a contract opportunity that has instructions for you to enter a Tenderbox Access Code, enter this in the field below.
Search for suppliers using the CPV Code search facility. All Suppliers who have registered and completed their profile on the system have added at least one CPV Code that is related to their products/services that they can provide to the public sector. If you would like to find multiple different organisations using this facility, please keep the radio-button to 'Any of these'.
Please enter a reference number for a supplier (if applicable). If you would like to find multiple different organisations, please keep the radio-button to 'Any of these'.
Statuses confirm what you can or cannot see within Supplier Profiles. There are three types of status:
Registered :
a supplier who has registered on the Delta eSourcing solution. Their profile may have been completed; however this has not been published to the Supplier Information Database (SID).
Certified :
a supplier who has completed their own supplier profile and self-certified their company information.
Accredit :
a supplier whose profile has been accredited by a third-party organisation.
To search for a group of suppliers/buyers, enter the final part of their email address, i.e. or part of their company name.
Pending Users:
a user that has not yet been approved (this will be greyed out as soon as a user has been approved/declined/disabled)
Enabled Users:
a user who has been approved for access to the website
Disabled Users:
a user who has been disabled from using the site and can no longer log-in or access the facilities (before a user can be disabled, you must first transfer their assets)
Any changes to your organisation details need to be passed in writing to the London Borough of Barnet Procurement Portal eSourcing helpdesk:
Note. The email preference entered below are on an individual user basis only. The changes noted are only effective for all system communications where the user would be "cc'd" into the emails.
i.e If the changes are for a Customer Bidder and they subsequently submit a Sales Event Response, they will still receive the "submit/withdraw" confirmation email, even if noted as "no" below. For all other company submissions (where they are not the ones submitting response), they would not receive the submission confirmation email.
By linking a notice to a SQ, instructions and a link to the Delta eSourcing website will automatically be entered within the notice for suppliers to access. If a notice has not been linked, click Link Notice.
The date settings allow you to set when your list will open, and if applicable, close.
Use this option to select additional recipients for all notifications regarding this Quick Call.
To remove the reminder, click 'Dismiss'. To be reminded at a later date, click 'Title' to set another date.
Name/Email/Telephone Number of person responsible for managing this contract.
Please use the Scroll bar to view the entire Contracts List table.
The internal department acquiring the purchase of work, service or supply. (e.g. ICT, Finance Services, Human Resources).
Select the contract category (i.e. expenditure item under which the contract will be grouped) from the dropdown options or begin typing a category and a short-list of selectable options will be provided.
The group of similar expenditure items. (e.g. Telecommunications, Insurance, Recruitment & Assessment).This can also be used for CPV Codes.
Enter keywords relevant to the contract which this contract record is related to.
Enter the internal reference relevant to the contract which this contract record is related to.
The cost or saving against the final contract price. This can be inserted as a numerical value, preset by + or - (e.g. +£2,500 or -£2,500).
A unique code generated internally or by automated finance system assigned to a particular purchase.(e.g. PO-Purchase Order).
Enter the contact details of the awarded supplier(s). If there is more than one supplier, click Add Supplier at the bottom of the page.
This date will generate an email and also populate a reminder within the main screen.
To make this Contract Record visible to all users in your organisation, select 'Yes'. Selecting 'No' will only display this Contract Record to those within your hierarchy.
Enter full numerical value including decimal places (e.g. 256924.31).
When change control is enabled and an amendment/variation value has been added,this field will be locked down permanently.Please check change control tab for further changes.